Design • 2 september, 2021 • 7 minuter

4 Ways To Make Your Summer Memories Last

With summer drawing to a close for another year, it’s time to prepare ourselves to settle down for the winter. However, relying on your special moments from the sunny season is an amazing way to beat the blues and stay uplifted as we move into dreary weather and shorter days. Check out this list of 4 ways to make your summer memories last.

Skrivet av Edvin Brobeck

Immortalise The Moment

On a mission to beat SAD Syndrome this winter? Us too! Although it has come to that time of year where we must wave goodbye to summer and all the amazing things that go along with it, we are determined to hang on to the amazing memories we have made. 

By creating unique visualizations of our best loved moments from the past three months, we are planning to power through winter with the nostalgia of the wonderful memories created this sunny season, and the excitement for the ones to come. 

Keep reading to discover our 4 ways to make your summer memories last!


The Great Escape


Summer is the magical season that emboldens us to travel, gives us the hunger to explore and the passion to discover new places. Some of us returned to locations that we hold a special place in our hearts, whilst others endeavoured to new landscapes in search of something different from before. 

What better way to make your summer memories last and honour that special location than with street map art. Give the place closest to your heart a space in your home with a unique wall hanging that you can look to as a source of happiness during the dull winter months.


 The Sun, Moon and Stars


Nothing shines brighter than the stars on a summer’s night, free from the cover of clouds and baring themselves for the world to see. This beautiful sight, accompanied by the comforting warmth, means that many of us create our fondest memories with our friends and loved ones on a cool summer’s night.

Breathe life into these special moments and make your summer memories last with a stunning star map. Having a visualisation of the exact stars that sparkled on a special summer’s night will carry you through the coming seasons, until it’s time to let the sun shine again.


 A Line In Time

Custom Classic Mapiful poster – Modern Style

From time spent roaming through fields of flowers, to exploring every street and avenue, summer brings about a sense of freedom like none other.  The heat of the sun and soft breeze of the wind encourages us to get out and explore, appreciating the natural beauty of our landscape and enjoying the excitement and busyness of new towns and cities.

Capture this energy and make your summer memories last with sleek line art pieces. Choose an elegant illustration that best represents a special time from this past season and use it as a source of inspiration to overcome the winter blues!


 A Picture Worth A Thousand Words


A heart full of happiness and a camera roll full of special moments – a perfect summer. The sunny season lives on as we scroll through the images that capture special moments with friends and family, enjoying the heat and adventuring to new places.

Make your summer memories last in a completely unique way by marrying your favourite image with a piece of text close to your heart with text art.


The Wrap On This Summer

Summer is one of our fondest hellos and hardest goodbyes. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to totally forget about the good times and memories that the season brought along with it!

Using these 4 unique ways to make your summer memories last will allow you to reminisce your way through winter, until we’re back on track to welcome summer once more.