Ultimi aggiornamenti & FAQ

Operiamo normalmente per garantire che forniamo gli stessi servizi coerenti, sicuri e igienici per tutti. Gli aggiornamenti vengono attentamente monitorati e aderiremo a eventuali azioni future. Apprezziamo il tuo supporto mentre lo scopriamo tutti insieme.

Per ora, ecco i nostri aggiornamenti più recenti e ciò che sappiamo finora:

  • Alcune aree postali in Francia stanno subendo ritardi nelle consegne, tra cui Bitche, Sturzelbronn, Siersthal, St Louis les Bitche, Walschbronn, St Louis, Haselbourg, Soucht, Strasburgo, Colmar, Colmar Cedex, Ingersheim, Bennwihr Mittelwihr e Beblenheim. Stiamo facendo del nostro meglio per assicurarci che le spedizioni vengano consegnate il prima possibile.
  • Anche altre regioni postali dell’UE stanno subendo ritardi nelle consegne, tra cui Bulgaria (Bansko), Repubblica Ceca (Kynice, Chudobín, Savín, Uničov, Litovel), Germania (Jessen), Spagna (Arroyo de la Luz), Croazia (Murter, Betina ) e Portogallo (Ovar, Esmoriz).
  • Al momento, tutte le consegne internazionali sono state mantenute e ti terremo aggiornato in caso di novità. 

How we are affected by Covid-19?

We hope you are all taking care of yourselves during these very unfamiliar times. By now, you’ve probably heard and are aware of the severity of COVID-19 and are probably pretty exhausted from the stress of it all. In different ways it is affecting every one of us and Mapiful is no exception.

Our core purpose as a company is to provide products that makes spending time in your home more enjoyable. This is more important now than ever as people all over the world are being told to stay at home. We are committed to keep the things up and running with minimal disruptions to serve that purpose.

We are here, like always…

And our mission is to do everything we can to get the orders to your door. We are taking extraordinary sanitary actions in our production facilities, opting for door-to-door deliveries, exploring local production and shipping. No stone will be left unturned with the things we can impact. Unfortunately we know that sometimes things might not go as we want them to, or plan for them to do. As the dynamics surrounding COVID-19 continue to change, what won’t change is our commitment to do everything we can to help ensure the health and safety of everyone involved with Mapiful.

We ask that during times like these you grant us some patience and indulgence in the event of disruptions or late deliveries. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ section or reach out to us on [email protected] or via social media.

We have earned your trust over the years through our commitment to quality and service, and we thank you for that trust. We’ll work tirelessly to persevere it through these troubling times.


Edvin Brobeck

Co-founder and CEO of Mapiful