Cat Line Art Posters


Environmentally Responsible

Your prints are produced at the facility closest to you. This allows for faster and greener shipping, reducing carbon emissions by 67%.

Effortlessly Customizable

Easily create a minimalist and unique line art poster like no other, and frame the things that matter most to you.

Personalized Gifting

High-quality and printed-to-order, our personalized line art wall art makes a lasting, meaningful gift.

Scandinavian Design

Our on-trend and high quality minimal Scandinavian designs fit any interior, letting you decorate without the help of an expert.

How to create your Line Art poster

Our Line Art collection lets you personalise minimal line illustrations that speak to you or your loved ones, in just a few steps.

Choose an illustration from our curated collection of line drawings

What matters the most to you? Find a drawing that speaks to you or your loved one.

Pick your theme and colors

Every home is unique, and with our predefined colors and themes you can quickly find a look that suits your interior style.

Personalize your text

Add any special words or quote that will lift your mood each day, or a loveable message to someone else.


Portrait, Landscape


30x40cm, 50x70cm, 70x100cm, 11×17", 12×18", 18×24", 24×36"



I’ve been ordering from Mapiful for a few years. I’ve always had a great experience. Customer service goes above and beyond their responsibilities to insure I was happy with my order I most recently made a mistake with. I’m very grateful for that!! Such a great product. I started a “places I’ve lived or traveled to wall” for our son and he loves these gifts.

L. Van Winkle


Y Vette L QB


Cat line drawing FAQ – Your questions answered


Which illustrations can I choose for my cat line art?

Choose from five of hand-picked cat line drawings; from sitting to standing cats, to cats waving their tails or stretching. Each cat line drawing also represents the most popular cat breeds. This allows you create a print that is unique to your kitty and their behavior.

Why design a cat poster?

Our cats are our closest cuddly companions, and we can all agree that they deserve their very own cat poster that without a doubt honors them as kings and queens in their home. A custom cat line artwork print is likewise the ideal present for the kitty fanatics in your life.