As Scorpio season draws near, everything is feeling decidedly spooky. There is an edge to the coming month which may bring feelings of tension. Our survival guide shows you how to ease frustration, and welcome the transformations this season may bring!
By Edvin Brobeck(October 22nd – November 22nd)
As Scorpio season draws near, the stars are forecasting a definite edge to the season, not to mention the uncertainty around many current non-astrological events which are also bringing feelings of tension. It’s going to be huge.
However, this year, Scorpio season might actually act as a more calming and mellow time than usual. We give you the tools to look inward, ease frustration, and survive this intense and exploratory month!
Here’s the thing. This season, plenty of our energy will be spent on our own inner worlds and making friends with our shadow. Scorpio this season is all about acknowledging the darkness within and making peace with it.
Now is also the time to get magical! Following the theme of self-exploration and with the halloween blue moon just around the corner, now is the time to read more deeply about your astrological sign, or even take a meditation to help you feel more grounded and comfortable in yourself. Discover our quick 5 minute meditation for busy people here.
Make sure to take time to observe the world around you, too. Mercury has just come out of retrograde, which means that you can look forward to less havoc this Scorpio season. On another note, pay close attention to your words come the beginning of November, as old conflicts and general confusion can arise between you and your colleagues or boss, according to Nina Kahn at Bustle. Let go of grudges, and work through any tension lingering in the air.
Whatever your horoscope, Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that the intentions we set and the decisions we make this season can have a truly lasting impact. Now is a great time to set intentions and visualize how we want our lives to unfold for the remainder of the year. Scorpio season can also make you feel fearless, meaning starting new things or going to new places alone can feel much easier.
Don’t get too obsessive with those around you or your goals, though. Scorpio sun signs can get a little obsessive by nature and can often let small suspicions take control of them, so be mindful of when you might be zoning in a little too much, and step away from the drama!
Having said that, there is an unusually mellow side to this season that is going to bring us some respite. Mars retrograde has been making it tough for us to get very far when it comes to our own endeavours, but this will come to an end in the middle of the season in November, instead welcoming a lighthearted energy and allowing you to put your efforts back into productivity.
Ready to leave the frustration behind? Let’s do this!
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